Sunday, February 6, 2011

Getting Ready to Cloth Diaper (I hope)

Last night was the 4th night in a row that Taylor peed through her diapers.  It's a good thing she has around 7 pairs of PJ's, so I don't have to rush to get laundry done.  I decided yesterday enough was enough and maybe I should look into cloth diapering.

I know, how would that work with daycare?  That was my initial thought and the main reason why we never cloth diapered in the first place.  However, back when I was pregnant with Taylor I had looked into cloth diapering options so I already knew what was out there.  I decided that perhaps hybrid diapering might be the way to go.  Hybrid diapers are cloth shells that you can put either flushable inserts or cloth inserts into.  The most well-known hybrid diaper is the gDiaper.  Now there are pretty mixed reviews out there on gDiapers.  Some people love them and some people hate them.  I definitely hope we end up being the former.  My plan right now is to use them at night with cloth inserts.  Then, while I'm home on maternity leave, we'll try using them all the time with cloth inserts.  When Taylor (and Lucy) go back to daycare in May, if gDiapers have been working for us, we'll send all of Taylor's disposables that I'm assuming we'll still have to daycare so the sitter doesn't have to worry about messing with cloth diapers.

As for Lucy, well I just had a diaper shower at school.  So I have tons of 'sposies.  But, if we like the gDiapers, then I can return them all to Target, get a store credit and buy gDiapers in Lucy's size online.  (As a bonus, if I use my Target card for any part of that transaction, we'll get 5% off- I heart you, Target!).

So why hybrid diapers?  Well, like I said, it gives us options.  If it goes well, and I'm still working next year, then I can either send the disposable inserts to the sitter's, or, I can just send pre-made gDiapers with cloth inserts and the sitter could just put the dirty ones in diaper sacks for me to take home at the end of the day (although honestly, that sounds gross- haha!)  If we did that, I'd probably pay her a little more just for dealing with having to possibly scrape poop off the diapers.
But if I don't return to work (still looking into this), then we could just do the cloth and supposedly save a lot of money on diapers.  That would definitely help on what would for sure be a tight budget on one income. 

So yesterday, I went on and ordered 3 gDiapers, and a pack of cloth inserts.  The great part is, right now on, new customers get 30% cash back on diaper purchases.  So, you buy your diapers, and within 10 days, a credit appears on your account with them.  And all orders over $49 have free 1-2 day shipping.  So I ordered on Saturday afternoon, and I should get my stuff on Tuesday.  And that's with the delay from all the weather we've had.  And, if you enter UIUC0326 at checkout, you get 15% off your order (new customers only I think?) and I get a $10 credit to my account!  Win-win!
Okay I got totally sidetracked there.....anyway, we will find out Tuesday night (or rather Wednesday morning) if this is going to work for us.  In the meantime, I'm busy preparing my Babykicks cotton/hemp cloth inserts that I bought at B. Lime so they'll be ready for my little supersoaker by Tuesday!  Oh yes, and a trip to Strawberry Fields to buy the laundry detergent Val recommended in her blog post on cloth diapering (thanks Val!).  Tune in for an update- hopefully it's a good one!!


  1. yay! can't wait to hear how they work out for you :)

  2. Guess what's on BabySteals right now?! Gdiapers - :)

  3. Emily- the email sent to me was about ju ju be bags...hmmmmm must venture over to babysteals
