Monday, March 14, 2011

Please Pray

I feel like I've gone back in time 15 months. . .

Last Wednesday, we saw the pediatrician's assistant for Lucy's check up.  Luckily, the PA at Christie Clinic is also their certified lactation consultant.  At the check up Lucy weighed 7 lbs, 2.5 oz.  So she had lost about 10 oz from birth.  Due to the issues I had in the past, the LC wanted to see us again today.  The rest of last week and all weekend, I really thought breastfeeding was going well.  Lucy seemed content after feedings, she had plenty of dirty diapers, and looked well hydrated.  I was nervous about our appointment today but was feeling confident that she had gained at least some of her weight back. 
Unfortunately, Lucy not only did not gain weight, she lost weight.  She's now down to 7 pounds even.  Needless to say all the horrible feelings came rushing back.  I am completely devastated that I am once again facing these obstacles.  I did everything right this time; I don't understand why we are going through this again.  The LC said that Lucy's latch was pretty good, it's just a little narrow.  So now I have to pump 4 times a day after feedings and give that to Lucy after she nurses.  I'm also taking a bunch of herbs.  And I'm making myself eat lots of oatmeal even though the LC didn't say anything about my diet.  She is having my blood checked for low prolactin levels.  If they are low, then I guess there's some prescriptions we can try.  If they're not low, then I just have to keep following this regimen until my supply is up. 

So I guess I'm just asking for lots of prayers.   Please pray that my supply increases, pray for Lucy's weight to go up (we go back Wednesday) and pray for her latch to improve. 


  1. Praying for you, Jo. I'm so sorry! I'm no pro, but I think you are doing everything you can to give Lucy the milk she needs, and no one can do anymore than that. Do they also test to see if, maybe, your milk isn't as high in fat as some others? i've always wondered about that.

  2. Praying hard! I know how bad you want it to work this time!
