Wednesday, January 26, 2011

34 Weeks

Let me just say that today was teen mom day at the OB's office.  It kinda made me sad to see so many young women who probably would not be in that situation if they could just keep it in their pants.  Okay enough commenting on society....

34 week check up today and nothing terribly exciting.  Weight is up 3 pounds (yeeesh, I really need to stop with all the sugar) but blood pressure was good.  Baby's heartbeat was 159 and definitely head down (she has been the entire time!).  I'm very proud that I'm still wearing my wedding rings quite comfortably.  I'm really hoping I'll make it all the way through the pregnancy with them still on my finger.  I think my regular workouts have been helping keep the swelling away.  You know what else I've been avoiding?  Leg cramps!  I haven't had any this pregnancy (uh where's some wood for me to knock on?).  I remember having awful ones with Taylor, but I heard that exercising helps combat them.  Woohoo!

So I remember about this time with Taylor that we had already installed the carseat and my hospital bag was nearly packed.  Ummmm haven't accomplished either of those yet!  Well we're still using the carseat in Walker's car for when he takes Taylor to daycare (yes she can still fit in it; sometimes it pays to have a small child).  But I know we need to get it installed in my car soon.  Or actually we might just have to install Taylor's carseat in Walker's car and that may become my car.  Honestly, I'm not looking forward to the switching of cars (I looooove my car) but I really don't see how both carseats will fit.

Well, there's really not much else going on pregnancy-wise.  My belly button is half in, half out.  I really expect it to make the full switch to outie in the next few weeks here but we'll see.  6 weeks to go!

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