Monday, May 23, 2011

An Answer

I went to see my OB this morning.  She said that on my ultrasound it looked like a piece of retained placental tissue.  phew!  They did another ultrasound today to see if it was still there.  It was smaller but still there.  Also, my OB thinks since the image is so white it's more likely a piece of the amniotic sac, not the placenta.  So I have to go in on Thursday for a D&C.  Actually it's a hysteroscopy and a D&C.  A hysteroscopy is where they insert a camera and take pictures of your uterus.  Fun stuff huh?  I even get copies of the pictures, whoopee!  Okay clearly I'm using humor to mask my apprehensiveness about this.  Don't get me wrong- I'm SO glad it's nothing more serious.  But the thought of general anesthesia scares me and the diagrams of how a D&C is performed in the brochure they gave me made me shudder. 
I asked my OB if this could be the reason why I have struggled with my supply and she said absolutely.  That made me feel infinitely better.  Now I KNOW I didn't do anything wrong and that there's nothing wrong with my body (in a sense).  It's amazing to me that something so small (7mm) could screw with your hormones that much.   So I'm praying that after this tissue is removed I'll see a nice improvement in my supply.  Although I'm not as worried about it as I was considering for the past week I've been able to meet Lucy's demands.  It helps that she simply does not eat a lot.
So you might be wondering if my supply improves will I try to go back to breastfeeding.  Honestly, I don't know.  It's not something I would try while school is still in session.  It would be great b/c obviously in the long run, breastfeeding is easier than EPing.   But at the same time, Lucy is so lazy when she eats I'm afraid it would be more of a headache than just sticking to EPing.  I'll keep thinking about it.  I don't know much about teaching a baby to relatch so I would have to do some research.
Anyway, thank you to all who prayed, I just ask for prayers for Thursday.  I know this procedure is minor and they do it all the time (sadly) but I'm still nervous.


  1. I'll be praying!! If you need anyone there to support you, let me know.
