Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Easily We Forget

Okay moms, do you remember the floppy newborn stage?  I hate to admit it, but I had totally forgotten about it until this past weekend.  I went to visit my best friend and her adorable baby boy who will be 1 month tomorrow (sheesh already?).  I loved seeing her and meeting him but I realized that I just didn't remember what they were like at that age.  All squirmy and squeaky....and every time I held him, he started rooting around.  But I guess he does that to everyone who holds him!  Must be a boob man...haha!

Anyway, while I was holding precious little Zach, I just kept thinking oh my goodness I'm going to have to do this alll over again in a few months.  I have to admit, I'm a little apprehensive.  And why is that?  I've done it before and I obviously survived (and more importantly so did Taylor).  There shouldn't be anything to be nervous about.  Is it the fact that I'll also have a toddler?  Or that I dont' want to make the same mistakes I did before?  Gah!

Oh one more thing: last night was the first night I spent away from Taylor and it was incredibly hard.  I really didn't think it would be (I actually was looking forward to it!) but as I was laying there in bed, I couldn't help but cry because I hadn't been able to kiss my baby goodnight.  Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who is an even more wonderful father; that knowledge definitely helped.


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